Please make sure all your personal information is correct before confirming your order.

Once you have placed an order, seller will process and dispatch your package within 2 business days. Once your order has been sent out, you will receive an email from us informing you it has been shipped. If the shipment confirmation is not received, pls double check it and check your spam and see if you can find it. For any further help, pls feel free to contact us.

Shipping takes about 12-20 business days(Standard Shipping) for your order to be delivered. Please note,delivery times are approximate, due to the Covid-19 , or any other factors that can affect the shipping speed, such as poor weather conditions, mail service backlogs, or incomplete/incorrect addresses, or it is Sundays, Bank Holidays, or any other public holidays, for any of this happened, the shipment might be get delayed. If you need any help, please don't hesitate to contact us.


For incomplete/incorrect addresses , if it cause any further shipping fee or charges to get the packages to be delivered, buyer are responsible for it. And buyer are also responsible for paying any taxes, duties, or customs fees to get your packages to be released; please check with your local shipping facility for more information. We are required to declare an accurate monetary value on all international shipments, and are unable to honor any requests to claim it as a gift .